Constant temperature and humidity on the specified temperature and humidity, to see the product high temperature resistance, low temperature, and humidity resistance capacity, constant temperature and humidity along with heating, cooling, humidification, lower humidity capacity.

Heating device to control temperature and humidity is not warming the key link; warming instruction, the controller will output voltage to the relay, about 3-12 volts DC plus solid state relays above; exchange end contactor also pull the wire connected;, heater voltage at both ends to make it generate heat by circulating fan to drive heat into the box, so the constant temperature and humidity warming, and that the temperature reached your settings fast; controller-off added to the solid state relay adjustment; see screen heating power to adjust the amount of heat in a constant temperature and humidity box; This is at 89 degrees above the temperature control, how to control it stable temperature below 89 degrees? Constant temperature and humidity box on one side by solid state relays fever output dynamic equilibrium; another compressor refrigeration cycle cooling; temperature constant.

Cooling is an important part of constant temperature and humidity box, is to determine the important parameters of a constant temperature and humidity performance is good or bad, which includes a compressor, a condenser, a throttling device, evaporator four components. The compressor is a refrigeration system of the heart, its suction temperature low-pressure gas into a high temperature and high pressure gas, the heat released by condensation into a liquid, through the fan heat away, so the temperature and humidity box following reason is hot air, and then through the throttle to a low pressure liquid , followed finally back through the evaporator to become a low-temperature and low-pressure gas compressor; refrigerant absorbs heat in the evaporator absorbs heat complete the gasification process to achieve refrigeration purposes, completion of the temperature and humidity box cooling process.

The humidification system and heating system substantially the same; It is a heater heating the water into steam process; completed thermohygrostat humidification purposes.

Lower humidity system also depend on the refrigeration system, and on the constant temperature and humidity inside the evaporator; relatively cold, constant temperature and humidity inside the humidity gas met with cold objects condensed into a liquid; the high moisture appreciate so forth cabinet achieve lower humidity purposes.